News of Lake George
Meeting Agenda for Thursday, October 10
1. Welcome
2 Introduction of speakers
2. New Business. Lake Report, Tom Rotramel
3. Roadside clean up report, Liz Gerdin
4. Budget for 2025, Tami Isaacson
5. Reminder of first Meeting in April 2025, Happy hour and social time( Birdie)
6. Old business: Speaker for next year? Elections in 2025, We need a new board member to replace Pat.
Joint year-end meeting with LGID.
Jamie Schurbon, Watershed Projects Mgr. Anoka Conservation District
Paul Kretsch, VP of Sales and Marketing, Lake Restoration, Inc. Cody_Brady Lake Restoration, Inc.
Jessica Leverty, Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator, Anoka County Parks
Questions :
Raffle/Door prize drawing
Are there NINE loons on Lake George? SEVEN? EIGHT?
Friday, July 21, 2023
Birdie Rotramel, Tami Issacson and Christine Thompson have been keeping an eye on the Lake George loons. Looks like we may have nine loons now - or eight. Here is what they have found...Youth Fishing Event needs our help
Thursday, July 20, 2023
The Anoka County Sheriff’s Office Community And Sheriff Together fishing event in collaboration with Fishing For Life is a go for Friday, August 4th. Registration is full and overflowing with more than 50 children signed up for the event. But they only have 12 boats and guides signed up to help out with the event. They desperately need our help! So, if you can help out, please email TIM DAY Without boats, this event doesn’t happen! More information from Tim….Monday, July 17, 2023
BOAT CANOPY On Saturday, July 15, a boat canopy was found floating in the water on the west side of Lake George. Please retrieve at McLain’s; 2601 S Lake George Dr near the driveway. Also found, a FLAG pennant. If yours, claim at picnic.Annual Lake George PICNIC Saturday July 22
Sunday, July 16, 2023
You are invited to the annual Lake George Conservation Club picnic! Date: SATURDAY JULY 22, 2023! Time: NOON to THREE Place: Becky Ridge and Alex Stitt, 21125 Old Lake George Boulevard. Come for food, fun and fellowship. No reservations, no charge!
Saturday, June 3, 2023
A pair of bald eagles appears to be building a nest on the island. At least, I think it is a new nest. I have not seen it before and I first saw it this week. (I may have missed it last summer if it was there, but I am not sure it was there last summer.)
Zebra Mussel Monitors, It's Reporting Time
Friday, June 2, 2023
Volunteers for the 2023 Zebra Mussel Spotter program are reminded to examine their ZM samplers. Samplers should be examined the first day of each month. Results are reported online at or by telephone to Jessica Leverty, Anoka County AIS Coordinator at 763-324- 3333.