Lake George Improvement District ( LGID )
The Lake George Improvement District (LGID) is a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota. It is a local unit of government partially funded by a special taxation district authorized by Minnesota Statute. Persons who own property which abuts Lake George are the Members, of the District. Members elect the Board of Directors, approve the District budget, and vote on their annual tax assessment.
A Little Background Information
The LGID was established by the City of Oak Grove in 2009, in response to a successful petition drive by members of the Lake George Conservation Club (LGCC).
The purpose of the LGID is to preserve and protect Lake George and its abutting wetlands and to increase and enhance the use and enjoyment of this lake for all users.
The official address is:
Lake George Improvement District
P.O Box 425
St. Francis, MN 55070
All public notices will be posted at the main entrance to the CITY OF OAK GROVE chambers, located at 19900 Nightingale St NW, Oak Grove MN 55011.
Thank You to LGCC
In 2023, the LGCC established a web page as the primary communication avenue for Club information and reports. The LGID has been invited to also use this avenue for communication.
The LGID welcomes this opportunity to post information of general interest to the public, and looks forward to participating.
A Necessary Disclaimer
As a government unit, the LGID has constraints when it comes to disseminating official business notices. Such notices are required to be distributed via U.S. mail, and posted publicly, as described in the “Background” section above. For that reason, the LGCC web site is not to be considered as the "Address for Purposes of Public Notice" as found in Article I of the LGID By-Laws.
The LGID will not post Board meeting minutes, treasurer's reports, and other official documents on the LGCC web site. Any posting of such documents by others must be treated as un-official and of uncertain origin.
Thank you for reading this notice.
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