Lake George Improvement District 15th Annual Meeting

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Lake George Improvement District Holds 15th Annual Meeting

The Lake George Improvement District held their 15th annual meeting August 20 at Oak Grove City Hall. Special guests included Mayor Weston Rolf and Council members John West and Mike Wylie, and Todd Murawski, Anoka County Parks Department.

Charley Sawbey, MLN Landscaping services was the keynote speaker on the topic, “Shoreline Management for Seasons of High Water". Using visuals and descriptions Sawbey presented examples of lakeshore designs and installations that mitigate erosion and run-off of residential shorelines.

Attendees learned about new day camp and other programs held at the Lake George Regional Park in a report given by Todd. LGID donated life vests to the program this year which have been valuable in allowing more youth to safely participate in water ecology learning and fun.

The business meeting was called to order by chair Juanita Reed-Boniface. Annual reports were given by board and committee chairs. Action items included approval of the budget for 2025 and setting the annual assessment.

In board elections Jay Edwardson was reelected and Pat Graiziger was elected as a new board member. Following the annual meeting the board of directors held their reorganization meeting and elected the follow as officers for the year: Chair-Juanita Reed-Boniface, 1st Vice-Chair Donald Nast, 2nd Vice-Chair -Jay Edwardson, Secretary-Robyn Erickson and Treasurer-Pat. Jaiden Edwardson will continue as Lake George Ecology Management Coordinator and John Vilandre will serve as recording secretary.